Texas Registered Engineering Firm F-9789

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

How old is Macek Power?

Macek Power & Turbomachinery Engineering was formed in 2003 as ThermoDudes, LLC, which is still the legal name of the company. “Macek Power & Turbomachinery Engineering” is the assumed name of the company.  Business operations began early in 2007.

Who owns Macek Power?

The company is a single member LLC (Limited Liability Corporation) registered in the State of Texas.  The owner is an engineer actively participating in the business.  There are no other ownership interests, partners, or investors.

Does Macek Power represent others?

No, not presently.

Does Macek Power have ownership interest in other companies?

No, not presently.

Where is Macek Power located?

Our office is located in Houston, Texas, USA.  Houston is a hub for heavy industry and the energy sector, however, Macek Power has worked on projects all over the world including the Americas, Asia–Pacific, Middle East, and Europe.

How big is Macek Power?

Macek Power is a small business employing less than 10 persons.

Who are Macek Power customers?

 Macek Power has served more than 60 clients in more than 20 countries. Our customers include power producers, petrochemical plants, agricultural facilities, turbomachinery repair shops, EPC firms, OEMs, Insurance adjusters, and law firms.

Does Macek Power provide expert witness services?


Are internships available at Macek Power?

We are sometimes contacted about internships. Regrettably, due to our small size and frequent field work (long distance travel), intern hosting is presently impractical.

Does Macek Power participate in community outreach?

Macek Power employees enjoy the subject of energy and its uses.  We have presented to elementary schools local to us and like to think we have inspired young minds to consider careers in the field of energy or at least, to consider the importance of energy and its responsible use.  We have also presented to high school welding students on the availability of skilled labor careers in the turbomachinery industry.   Please contact us if you would like an engineer to visit your classroom.  We would be happy to help.

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